Nagy Fül Fesztivál MU szinház-Budapest XI, Lágymányosi K.H., Kőrösi József u. 17. információ: 4664 627 bigear@index.hu |
Big Ear Festival |
music meeting |
Program: Október 3.
Október 4. Október 5.
Támogatónk: Supported
by the Departement of Culture of Geneva MÚ Színház TÕZSÉR ÉS MÁRIÁS SZOFTVERIRODA
Alexander von Schlippenbach (D)
In Schlippenbach’s music art we can trace the blending of John Cage’s wise reservedness, a playful and lyric attitude from distance with the hottest and loudest screams of the reed-players coming from the Archie Shepp school. Through his both outstanding composing and impovising he became one of the leading authors and performers of new music in the world.
Sarajevo (BH)
SCH art-group, which has been working in Sarajevo since the late
80s till nowadays has dedicated all its work to the artistic
transposition of war catastrophies and genocide. Their music with
their paralelly screened videos tell the human experience of the
apocalipse and the human overcoming of it above the reality of
horror and terror. Joseph
Frusciante No Exit (CH)
Italian living in Geneva. For him, music is the essence of the
collective moment, it is its sense and message. He will do nothing
but the same on the festival: lift his bucket full from the well
of the audience's spirit and give it back in the form of sound.
To us. To our great joy with a uniquely fine, lyric and extatic
poem of sound.By his saxophones and self-made instruments. DJ
Hermit (CAN)
Dj Hermit is a world-nomad whose life-style involves the all-the-time
moving from Montreal to Istanbul, during which he collects the
objects with meaning and role for his personal voyage and he makes
them sound as a contemporary shaman. And the objects sound due
to his magic, prayer or threatening, and they sound their immanent,
essential voice for this very occasion, for the nomad will travel
on, and will sound other things in other places in other time. Coolhaven
tha ancient vikings there was only one, who was cold. At least
only he admitted being so. And so he hid in shed making strange
instruments of things he found around all day. The best one he
made, was a two-horned singing-whirling fighter-helmet. The people
of the village liked it, and since then whenever they hear the
strange music, they shout the name of its great inventor: Coolhaven! Kreuzfeld-Jacobs
Syndicate (H)
noble blending of the illness-caused shivering and the aroma of
Brazilian coffee in such an endless free pulsation that fills
up the inner parts of the body and soul with new spirit for both
the musicians and the audience. The Musicians of the Great Free
Syndicflying on the wings of freedom put spots, lines, new places,
new times round, sharks fly and boumerangs, edelweiss show the
way towards the state of trans and beauty. Lianna
Flu Winks (NL)
former girlfriend and admiror of Svejk has lived in Holland for
two hundred and fourty-eight years now and is earning her living
on the production and sale of furry eyeballs on village fairs.
Since she started giving an extra free pair of dancing beach-slippers
with her product the sale has rosen and orders even from New-Zealand
have arrived. So the whole company is dancing happily wearing
Svejk T-shirts. S.
Spier (NL)
színház: Ted Milton (Blurt) and Sam Britton (Icarus)
heroe, Ted Milton started off with puppet-shows. His figures were
Beckett, Ioesco and the Simple general Human Horror. Then Blurt
followed, the magic punk with the hymns of infinite orgasms for
clerks. Now puppet-show again, with the texts by Daniil Kharms,
the greatest catastrophy-humourist-dadaist of the Russian Avantgarde
with the music of Icarus, the screams of saxophone, in the Theatre
of Joyful Death. Tudósok
voluntary syndicate fighting against the shopping-malls psichiatric
nightmare-pressures and the self-developing global-depression,
Tudósok is a para-normal revolutionary unit, which fights
for the word and the sound at the edge of the spiritually executed
world.Their shining music is the last present in the gate of human
meta-conscience before death arrives. Gelée
Royale (A)
song. Coming from inside. Sad. Drums, guitars, as sad, as pleasant
they come, so human, that they break doors open on us. The laughter
of Ian Curtis, the joy of Joy Division, the crew of the last ship,
the last songs of a buffet at platform number zero, the music
of the passenger-service, Dj Psycho and Dj Angel in the same coach. Alice
in Wonderband (SER)
the NATO-bombings on Yugoslavia the leading Novi Sad new music
group Silentio broke up and its members took refuge in cellars,
bunkers, resort cottages waiting for the bad times to pass.Two
young spent their time together, and then they had children and
new friends. This way the new group formed, that found Wonderland,
the desert of music in the vastness of horror: a family speaks
against the wars through music.