Nagy Fül Fesztivál Kultiplex (volt Blue Box mozi) - Budapest IX. Kinizsi utca 38. információ: 4464 627 bigear@index.hu |
Big Ear Festival |
music meeting |
Program: Október 4., Csütörtök/Thursday
Október 5., Péntek/ Friday Október 6., Szombat/Saturday
rendezvények október
4. 18.00 "Chalk-masks"
- exhibition of black and white art photos by Vera Dévényi
and Csaba Aknay taken during former Big Ear Fests will take place
at the gallery. október
6. 11.00 "New
music and Mp3" - round-table discussion with the participants
of the festival and experts on new music, author rights and the
internet. Miért Nagy Fül? Miért már negyedszer? Annak is, aki zsíros, megfáradt, vezényszavak regisztrálására használja, s annak is, akié tiszta, s csak ritmusos zenék hallgatására jó. Minek ennyi divattalan zene? Itt nincs se Kispál és a Borz, se Irígy Hónaljmirigy, se Britney Spears, se Csajkovszkij hattyúkvartett, se biatorbágyi fúvósbanda? Kelet-európai õrültek, akikbõl sosem lesz sztár, és Nyugat-európaiak, akikbõl sosem lesz pénz! Egy komplett nemzetközi brigád, akikhez képest a Leningrad Cowboys diszkó! Igen, legyen egy fül, egy Nagy Fül, amely mindent befogad! Mindent, ami hiteles, õszinte, megalkuvás nélküli zenésztudattal jön létre, s ami egyetemesen szól és egyetemes érték. Szól arról, hogy nem minden a piac, nem minden a szórakoztatás, nem minden a Pokémon és a G.I. Joe, s nem minden a 100 Folk Celziusz. Arról, hogy van egy Király Ernõ, aki 82-évesen is a legtisztább szellemû kísérletezõ Újvidéken, hogy a NOM Szentpétervárott undergrounban bomlasztja a turbó-közönyt, hogy Peter Cusack a madarakkal zenél duóban Londonban, hogy Stepanida Borisova a sámánénekesnõ elhozza nekünk a legtisztább szibériai levegõt énekével, hogy Phil Niblock elektronikus didjeridoo-t hoz New Yorkból, hogy Najmányi László vereségoratóriumot ír immár itthon, hogy Peter Brötzmann szaxofonsikolyaival még mindig simán betöri az ablaküveget, hogy a Maestro Tritony a legfinomabb posztjazz-t hozza Lengyelországból, hogy a Zlodeji Usi felborítja zenéjével Brünn piroskockás-terítõjû kocsmaasztalait, hogy Marko Brecelj posztjugoszláv diverzáns-madrigáljait énekli nekünk reneszánsz dalnokként, s hogy még sokan mások megvannak, s tökéletesen megértik egymást abban, hogy a zene a legnagyobb és legbensõségesebb otthon, s hogy az is marad örökre, s mûködik, ha megölik, akkor is. Ezért legyen Nagy a Fül, s legyen még mindaddig, amíg csak lehet. Én örülök, hogy ennek az örömkonferenciának a diszpécsere lehetek. Hallgassátok szeretettel, s egyre tágulóbb füllel!
drMáriás Támogatónk:
Brötzmann (Wupperthal, D)
Iron Lungs" as the Wire stated. A music pioneer, who was one of
Europe's definitely first and bravest jazz inventors and has remained
to stay so playing in projects with musicians from all around
the world. Living nowadays in Chicago he captures the spirit of
early American jazz and plays it with the great pianist Borah
Bergman and sax player Matts Gustaffson, or his tentet or in any
of his many other formations. This night solo, Iron Lungs tell
love poems and scream. Ole
Lukkoye (St. Petersburg, RUS)
Lukkoye having rooted in the underground traditions of late 80-s
in the Soviet system did not turn its head simply towards West,
but tried to collect as many sound-, and through sound spiritual
experience in broader Asia as possible, and then constructed a
musical system and experience that reflects consciously to the
international new music scene's noveltys, but implements them
in a very subtile and transformed sense. Bassoons, occarinas,
samplers, violins, voices, light- and performance art all contribute
to a deep intergalagtic meditation based on Russian and broader
Asian spiritual tradition. Mozg
- Pieces of Brain (Bydgoszcz, PL)
Majewski and Slawek Janicki have grown up on the great Polish
jazz traditions, just to learn the frames of musical possibilites
and then crash them and build another, a really own world. "Crash
the car, Daddy" they say laughing, and start a refined free improvisation
quoting enourmous strength and music reminiscence. Still, they
do something different, than the "usual" scene of the kind. They
have a special atmosphere, warmth and impersonality in their touch.
They founded and have run Mozg music club with probably the most
lively and artiscticly most multi-coloured program in Poland.
The third member of the band comes from England, the well-known
sax and guitar player Jon Dobie. Feo
and the Smids (Koper, SLO)
Ivan Volaric Feo is a cult-poet in Slovenia, a local Ginsberg,
who regularly takes the opportunity of performing his poems with
music accompaniment. This results in an extremely interesting
and very lively touch between musical and verbal poetry. The worlds
of Zappa, Urmuz, Gogol, Beefheart and others rise into the air
through a flight followed by horns, drums and voices. A team of
mature artists brings a sprinkling spirit under a new project
name: Desperado Tonic Water.
is a family-based musical project and gathering led by Jacques
Palinxs (guitar, voice) and Bert Palinxs (double bass, bass guitar,
voice). In Tillburg they are the most vital point of the new musical
scene and one of the most remarkable in Holland. Having been acting
for more than 15 years they toured with great success most international
fests of new music. Their music idiom is very unique and specific
due to their incredible ability to melt together the elements
of "high jazz" and "marketplace rock", sensible poetry with the
trivialities of mass-media, classic and modern improvisation with
strong song-like compositions all in one breathless run. Peter
Cusack - Chris Cutler (London, GB)
might think free improvisation or meditation in musical terms
comes always to the same point, which is a great mistake. The
ways in which personal soundscapes emerge are completely different.
Chris Cutler imrovises in a completely unuique way, representing
in his language and attitude a crossroad between John Cage's and
Sun Ra's worlds. Peter Cusack is another paralel untouchable world,
where the sounds found on the streets, bird-whistles or produced
through a digital device rise cosmic harmonies that float around
us like friendly aliens. They get us There on their sounds.
are rope-dancers above tragedy and humour. Sung and told poetry
that recalls the atmosphere of the early avantguarde or neo turbo
futurism. Over sensinble guitar tunes there lies a black bass'
warm hits and a drum fluctuates followed by flying horns. Paperbox-screams
and Kafka waltzes, tales from the blocks of flats rise into the
air with humor that is painful, just to get followed by mercury
sax solos. Zágrábnak ismét élénk újzenei szintere van a szinte egy évtizedig tartó kulturális elszigeteltség és belföldi tiltások után. Ezen a szintéren belül is a legélénkebb pont a KSET zenei műhely, melyet lelkes és tapasztalt fiatal zenészek indítottak három éve, s mely a közép-európai térségnek a legtöbb nemzetközi vonatkozású zenei újdonságát vonultatja fel. A Rujan volt e műhelynek az egyik legelső együttese, sőt, alapítója, s nyitott és korszerű zenei gondolkodásmódjával a jazz és a meditatív zene határán, a minimalista környezetből fel-feltörő expesszionista váltásokkal az egyik legkifinomultabb zenei világát képviseli.
jungle-minimalism over an ocean of sax-horn sounds. Drums strangling
the throat and pumping the stomach. Ted Milton, the poet, the
author of hand-made books reads on his performances and blows
his horn. He knows how to make a huge portable puppet-theatre
of music recalling ambients of the Holger Czukay invented Can.
As their concert progresses, the listener gives up hopes, smiles
and nods in rhytm, watcing the inner film of Milton through his
words and sounds fired into the air. Ladik
Katalin és Király Ernő (Novi Sad, YU)
always had the spirit of war in the air. Even in the time of peace,
people related their feeling of time and value to the latest actual
war they were after. This tension had strong influence on the
artists to become radical in their art, to speak loudly, quickly
and toughly, as if it were for the last time each time. Katalin
Ladik, the poet and multi-media artist has kept this feeling through
her entire artistic career, and Ernő Király too. A beautiful female
vioce that cracks, whispers and flies over the incredible ambients
produced by an acoustic noise-machine of prepared Zithers, the
Citrafon invented, built and played by the leading avantguarde
composer from Yugolavia, Ernő Király.. A challenge of travelling
through time from ancient memories to the clashes of satellites.
This night's programme of theirs is dedicated to Michelangelo
and his sonetts.
Ears" is a very young band from Brno. Listening to their music
we might feel as sitting in a Czech coutry café hearing a music
of swings. A pop-melody starts, then changes into child-like fantasy,
then hard blows of dark moods turn up just to change in time into
an ironic post-Abba feeling smoothly decaying into noise and free-jazz
unexpectedly. Great musicians, whose life-story is told in a sarcastic
music theatre recalling Prokoffiev"s and Shostakovich's world.
You drive on a funny-like run and do not expect the drama, though
everything seems to be too suspicious. Yes, there is drama in
it at the final point.